European Union
CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) is the European Union’s umbrella organisation tasked with delivering large parts of the EU Green Deal through various funding and support programmes, including R&D grant funding.
What is this funding body about?
CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) is an EU body tasked with delivering large parts of the European Green Deal. It does so through grant funding programmes such as Horizon Europe, CEF, and LIFE.
Who can apply for CINEA funding?
Public or private organisations from participating countries (EU+).
Key Facts
Who can apply
Single and collaborative applications. Public or private organisations registered in participating countries (EU+)
Sectors & Topics
Clean Energy, Sustainable Transport, Climate, Environment and Maritime.
To support the EU Green Deal through implementing key programmes such as Horizon Europe, LIFE and CEF.
Key Grant Programmes
- Horizon Europe
Funding Amount
€0.95 – 6.5 billion
Funding Rate
50% – 100%
3 -12 months
Single and multi-stage online application.
What are the key topics or sectors covered?
CINEA focus their support on following topics and sectors:
- Clean Energy
- Sustainable Transport
- Climate, Environment and Maritime
Useful Resources
We have collated some useful resources if you are considering applying for a CINEA grant: