

European Union

CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) is the European Union’s umbrella organisation tasked with delivering large parts of the EU Green Deal through various funding and support programmes, including R&D grant funding.

What is this funding body about?

CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) is an EU body tasked with delivering large parts of the European Green Deal. It does so through grant funding programmes such as Horizon Europe, CEF, and LIFE.

Who can apply for CINEA funding?

Public or private organisations from participating countries (EU+).

Key Facts

Who can apply

Single and collaborative applications. Public or private organisations registered in participating countries (EU+)

Sectors & Topics

Clean Energy, Sustainable Transport, Climate, Environment and Maritime.


To support the EU Green Deal through implementing key programmes such as Horizon Europe, LIFE and CEF.

Key Grant Programmes

  • Horizon Europe
  • LIFE
  • CEF

Funding Amount

€0.95 – 6.5 billion

Funding Rate

50% – 100%


3 -12 months


Single and multi-stage online application.

What are the key topics or sectors covered?

CINEA focus their support on following topics and sectors:

  • Clean Energy
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Climate, Environment and Maritime

Useful Resources

We have collated some useful resources if you are considering applying for a CINEA grant:

The mission, structure and objectives of CINEA External link icon: a box with an arrow pointing out of it, to the top-right

What are the key funding programmes they deliver?

Horizon Europe is the European Union’s key research and innovation funding programme with a budget of €95.5 billion until 2027. It aims to tackle climate change and global challenges and supports the creation and diffusion of knowledge and technologies from early development to implementation.
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The LIFE programme is an EU initiative which aims to fund research and innovation that protects the environment and aids climate action. It does so through supporting demonstration, best practice, coordination and support actions, capacity building, and governance projects on multiple levels.
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CEF is an EU programme that invests in infrastructure at European level and supports the development of sustainable, interconnected and high performing trans-European networks. These are in the fields of transport, energy, and digital service. CEF aims to strengthen the synergies between the three to promote growth, jobs, and competitiveness.
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Our R&D Grant Writing Services

We have been writing R&D grants since 2009 with a market-leading success rate. Working on a part up-front, part success-fee basis, we share both the risk and reward with our clients.

Our proven approach:

Lead the entire process

Defining the project, sourcing partners, developing a budget, writing the grant application, developing the work plan, creating appendices, managing partners, submitting the application online, managing compliance, organising the kick-off meeting, financial reporting, technical reporting and project management.

Work collaboratively

If you are lacking expertise in a specific area of the grant application process, we can fill that gap. Perhaps you have deep technical knowledge, but would like support on the market elements. You might have the technical and commercial aspects in hand, but would like support in creating the project budget and work packages. We are flexible.

Improve a past submission

Grant funding is highly competitive. We can lead the process of improving past grant applications to get you over the line.

Expert Review 

We spend a few days reviewing / commenting / editing your grant application to lift your score as high as possible. 

Ready to take your R&D Grant Funding success to the next level?

We offer a scalable R&D Grant Funding Management service that grows with your aspirations. Have a question or want to arrange a free initial video call to discuss your innovation project?