R&D Grant Funding Management

We are working as an R&D Grant Funding Management Team for some of the most innovative businesses and research teams in the UK and Europe.

How our teams work together

Our team sits next to C-suite and R&D teams, understanding the specific R&D projects, funding needs and timescales. We are proactively bringing R&D funding opportunities (R&D Grants and Innovation Loans) to the table, exploring opportunities, writing applications and managing live projects. 

Success rates increase when we work with clients over the medium/long-term. If you are looking for an experienced team who can guide you through the R&D grant funding landscape and bring scalable capacity in R&D funding management, we can help.

We can:

  • Understand your R&D funding roadmap over the coming years
  • Identify suitable R&D funding options
  • Guide your senior team through the process of building consortiums, developing applications, passing funder due diligence and managing live projects
  • Manage all aspects of the work in a flexible way – scaling capacity as needed
  • Plan for forthcoming R&D projects and funding opportunities in a strategic way that aligns with your broader funding strategy
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How our service is structured

We work on a retainer fee basis and dedicate regular time each month towards understanding your R&D projects, supporting your team and securing R&D funding.

What does our R&D Funding Management service look like?

Dedicated Account Manager

3+ full grant applications per year

Redrafting and resubmission of grant applications included

Ongoing grant search service covering UK and EU grants

Regular monthly meeting to discuss projects and funding

Access to our team for grant-related questions and opinion

Partner search service for collaborative grants

Proactive invitation to suitable EU Collaborative grants

If you are looking to take full advantage of the R&D funding opportunities across the UK and EU funding programmes, we have a team ready to lead the process.

What our clients have to say…

Our team is managing R&D funding for some of the most innovative businesses and research institutions across the UK and EU.

More Success Stories

“Our team has had incredible success in securing Innovate UK grant funding over the last few years – we targeted specific thematic calls which served us very well. We hadn’t managed to replicate that success in the Innovate UK Smart Grant – Venturenomix has brought the missing ingredients and now we have our first successful Smart Grant application. The next 12 months promises to be very exciting!”

Chris Cieslak


“At Kore Labs we are really pushing the barriers of what is possible. Our WikiKore concept – a unified, community-curated and intelligent taxonomy for the Financial Service Industry will be game-changing. Working with Venturenomix means we have the expertise and guidance we need to secure innovation grant funding. Outstanding service and results!”

Sabrina Del Prete


“I am very pleased to announce that the application for grant funding was approved! Well done Team Venturenomix – couldn’t have done it without you!””

Louise Morpeth

Brain in Hand

Ready to take your R&D Grant Funding success to the next level?

We offer a scalable R&D Grant Funding Management service that grows with your aspirations. Have a question or want to arrange a free initial video call to discuss your innovation project?