Eureka Network
Eureka is the European Union’s network for international cooperation in Research & Development and innovation, operating in over 45 countries and providing R&D funding programmes for collaborative projects through Horizon Europe.
What is this funding body about?
Eureka provides access to public funding, drives international collaboration, boosts expansion into new markets, and offers personalised advice to companies and organisations of all sizes.
Who can apply for Eureka funding?
SMEs from a Eureka country with partner organisations from Eureka or other countries.
Key Facts
Who can apply
Collaborative consortiums led by SMEs based in a Eureka country. Collaborating partners can be from non-Eureka countries.
Sectors & Topics
Strategic technology (e.g. AI and sustainability), expansion of research or commercial ambitions in international markets, creation and commercialisation of products, processes, or services.
To drive international collaboration and boost expansion into new markets.
Key Grant Programmes
- Eurostars
- Globalstars
Funding Amount
€360k per partner
Funding Rate
up to 90 days
Online application via your country’s appointed agency.
What are the key topics or sectors covered?
Eureka focus their support on following topics and sectors:
- Creation of innovative products, processes, or services for commercialisation.
- Assessment of research or commercial ambitions in international markets.
- Strategic technology areas that aim to meet market needs and solve economic, technological and societal challenges.
Useful Resources
We have collated some useful resources if you are considering applying for a Eureka grant: