Eureka Network
Globalstars is a funding programme with calls for projects (sometimes thematic) with countries outside of the Eureka network. You can benefit from collaboration with organisations working in a range of leading and emerging markets.
What is this programme about?
Globalstars is an R&D grant programme run by the Eureka network with a particular focus on collaboration between Eureka countries (EU+) and participating countries in other continents, e.g. Brazil, Taiwan, Singapore. Its aim is the commercialisation of new, innovative projects with a civilian purpose.
Who can apply for Globalstars funding?
Collaborative consortia with at least two independent legal entities from one Eureka country and a specified Globalstars country (varies from call to call).
Key Facts
Who can apply
Collaborative consortia with at least two independent legal entities from one Eureka country and a specified Globalstars country.
Funding calls
Calls are published at irregular intervals several times a year.
To help applicants explore new markets through international collaborative R&D projects.
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Funding Amount
€350k – €500k per partner
(depending on type, size and country)
Funding Rate
35% – 85%
(depending on type, size and country)
6-9 months
Single-stage online application
What are the key topics or sectors covered?
Generally open, themes vary across calls.
Useful Resources
We have collated some useful resources if you are considering applying for Globalstars funding: