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  4. How much money can I get from R&D Grant Funding?

How much money can I get from R&D Grant Funding?

The range of funding available through R&D Grants is generally between £/€50k to £/€20m. This is a huge range and will depend on the specific call for funding and how many partners are working together on the specific R&D project.

In general terms:

  • R&D Grant Funding for SMEs ranges between £/€50k and £/€2.5m
  • R&D Grant Funding for Researchers, Universities and RTOs ranges between £/€750k and £/€5m
  • R&D Grant Funding for Collaborative Projects ranges between £/€250k and £/€20m

Keep in mind that some R&D grants offer funding at the start of the project (mainly European R&D Grants) while some require the applicant(s) to cashflow the first quarter of the project before retrospectively paying the first grant claim.

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