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  4. What are the timeframes involved in R&D Grant Funding?

What are the timeframes involved in R&D Grant Funding?

There can be quite a bit of variation in the timeframes set by R&D grant funders, so here is a quick guide:

  • Business Targeted R&D Grants: Allow about 8 weeks to develop a compelling application, 8 weeks assessment time and 4 weeks project setup time. This applies to Innovate UK Grants, EIC Accelerator, Eurostars, for example.
  • Collaborative Grants: Allow 12 – 24 weeks to develop the application as there is more time needed for collaborative meetings. Decision time by the funder can take between 8 – 20 weeks, followed by a 4 – 8 week project setup phase. This applies to most of the Horizon Europe collaborative calls (RIAs, IAs and CSAs).

Once live R&D grant funded projects can last anywhere between 6 – 60 months, depending on the budget, number of partners, call scope and preference of the applicant(s).

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