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  4. What are the reporting requirements for a live R&D Grant-funded project?

What are the reporting requirements for a live R&D Grant-funded project?

Once approved for funding, there are reporting requirements for all R&D grant projects.

Typically, progress reports and financial claims will need to be submitted every 3 months, although Horizon Europe funded projects now have real-time project reporting. It is likely that a meeting with the assigned Project Monitoring Officer will be arranged every 3 months, which can be conducted online in most cases. There is likely to be a final project report due at the end of the project. 

To give your team more flexibility, you could consider:

  • Setting the due date for deliverables in Month 4 or Month 7 (instead of Month 3 or Month 6) which in effect gives you an addition 2 months before the next quarterly report – buying your team some potentially useful flexibility.
  • Defining the deliverables as ‘reports’ rather than ‘demonstrations’ can make the reporting process simpler. For example, demonstrating an MVP is likely require more progress than sharing a report on the technical requirements for an MVP – both are acceptable deliverables.

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