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  4. Who can apply for Innovate UK Innovation Loans and what is the application process?

Who can apply for Innovate UK Innovation Loans and what is the application process?

Innovation Loans from Innovate UK are available for micro, small and medium sized businesses (SMEs). In the words of Innovate UK:

“Innovate UK innovation loans are for highly innovative late stage research and development (R&D) projects with the best potential for the future. There must be a clear route to commercialisation and economic impact.”

The application process is split into two stages:

  1. Application Phase: Applicants must submit: 1) Financial Plan, 2) R&D Plan, 3) Business Plan. These must be submitted by answering specific questions from the funder on their online portal and provided templates.
  2. Due Diligence Phase: If successful at the Application Phase, applicants must participate in a due diligence process run by the Innovate UK Innovation Loans team. Financial plans, drawdown, repayment capability, financial ratios, etc will be assessed.

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