Understanding your R&D Grant Funding options

Eu Funding Hub

As part of our ‘Overcoming Barriers to securing R&D Grant Funding’ series, we look at how common challenges to securing R&D grants can be navigated by working with specialist partners.

In part two, we take a look at EU Funding Hub, a smart online portal that can help project manage funding European projects.

Find your perfect funding match

Knowing what R&D grants are available is a massive challenge – understanding which R&D grants match best with your project, your funding needs, and your strategy, can consume huge amounts of research time and often yields less than satisfying results. There are regional, national, and European R&D grants published every week with €billions of funding opportunities. 

Venturenomix has excellent knowledge of UK and European R&D grant funding opportunities, but we would happily admit to not being experts on R&D grants in Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium, etc. 

That’s why we’ve partnered with EU Funding Hub to help overcome this barrier and help our clients to better understand their funding options.

EU Funding hub offers:

  • Network of R&D grant funding experts based across Europe with up-to-date knowledge about available R&D grants for businesses, universities, NGOs and public bodies
  • In-depth research service that will identify and explain the R&D grant funding opportunities available to your organisation
  • Ability to link your organisation to experienced R&D grant writers for regional and national R&D grants across Europe
  • Affordable R&D grant research service (€1000 as a ballpark)

Venturenomix is the EU Funding Hub expert partner for the UK, having extensive experience in UK R&D grants since 2009.

We are very excited about our new partnership with Venturenomix. Their years of experience in obtaining successful funding opportunities for various timely and interesting projects will be an asset to our clients.

Frederic Maas, Co-Founder

We’d love to help

So, if you would like a strategic view of the R&D grant funding opportunities open to your organisation, right down to a regional-European level, our partner EU Funding Hub can deliver. Get in touch for an initial chat and introduction.

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